by Chrsitine Alisa | Jun 13, 2016 | alternative therapy, Education, Past lives, Therapy, Trauma
Only work with PERFECT CLIENTS –Discover the Roadblocks Keeping You from Them Friday, July 8, 2016 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM This meet-up is for you if… · You need to attract the kind of clients that are ideal for you in your area of expertise. · You are not sure who your... by Chrsitine Alisa | May 20, 2016 | alternative therapy, Child Psychology, Communicating and Growing, Education, Family, Harmony
Unstoppable Confidence – 3 Crucial Blocks Stopping You from a Thriving Practice Come and learn new ways to thrive in your practice and start making even more impactful change for your clients. You leave with a greater understanding of alternative therapy...