The popular label of the day for children is ADD, Attention Deficit Disorder or ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. These labels and others such as Dyslexia or Learning Disabilities have the potential for creating a crippling effect on children causing them to believe that there is something intrinsically wrong with them. They become part of the “medicated society,” taking their place with the millions of people in our country who are dependent on some kind of drug.
My book is made up of a collection of ‘stories’ of individual children and adolescents who I have treated in my private therapy practice throughout the years. These stories, told from the children’s point of view, are actual excerpts of their lives while they were experiencing my therapeutic process.
The reader will ‘meet’ children and adolescents from three to nineteen years old who have a specific story to tell. I am their scribe and interpreter on the children’s journey of healing. Each one of the children or adolescents exhibits various difficulties ranging from inability to concentrate, hyperactivity, lack of interest in school, learning disabilities, to defiance, aggressive behavior, suicidal ideation, lying, stealing, impaired physical development as well as sexual and physical abuse.
My goal in writing this book is to validate these children, their experiences and their pain and to present to the reader my alternative approach to improving their lives. The therapeutic model that I have developed utilizes both traditional Gestalt Therapy and alternative Regression Therapy. The book carries the reader through the children and adolescent’s early childhood traumas, past-lives, pre-natal, and birth experiences, which have had a significant effect on them creating unwanted symptoms and behaviors. Ultimately, positive progress is achieved in each individual ‘story’ as the reader ‘hears’ and is hopefully touched by the inner strength, perseverance and spirit of these young people and the therapeutic process that brought them there.
For more information about my book or for more updates visit my Website or follow me on my twitter account. Enjoy!